
Info about Addiction



Game time


Win probability


What do I have to do?

Arrange all cards into 4 sequences of 12 cards of the same suit, from Two to King (from left to right).


Know the initial layout of the cards

Rows of cards

4 Rows of cards with 13 face-up cards each. Aces are removed once all cards are dealt, leaving 4 empty spaces.

Redeal button

1 Redeal button.


Discover how to play Addiction solitaire

Rows of cards

  • Fill the gaps with cards of the same suit and a rank higher than the card to the left of the gap.
  • Any gap on the left-hand side of the row should be filled by a Two.
  • Any gap to the right of a King is considered dead and no card can fill it.

Redeal button

  • When there are no more possible moves, tap the Redeal button to collect all cards not in a suit sequence, starting from a Two in the leftmost position of each row. These cards will be shuffled and redealt, creating 4 gaps in random positions.
  • 3 redeals are allowed.
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